What is StrasRNA Salon?

The StrasRNA Salon is a program supported by the RNA society and Lexogen that brings together a large community of scientists working on RNA Biology in Strasbourg (France), including 4 different research units (RNA-IBMC, M3I-IBMC, IBMP and GMGM) located on the University’s central campus. The StrasRNA Salon is also forging links with national and international RNA clubs to facilitate collaborations within the RNA community.

StrasRNA researchers study various model organisms (bacteria, yeasts, protozoa, plants, mammals, pathogens) and multiple aspects of RNA biology. The topics cover RNA machineries across kingdoms including organelles, RNA in emerging pathogens and in host-pathogen responses, as well as innovative developments related to RNA biology (epigenetics, epitranscriptomics, RNA interactome, RNA structure, RNP purification and characterization, single cell studies, evolution).

Our program includes five types of events during the year:

  • external seminars from outstanding external guest speakers,
  • one-day RNA club workshops dedicated to specific RNA topics, including methodological, interdisciplinary and “hot-topics”, organized entirely by Early career researchers,
  • Special events such as “Women in science” featuring inspiring women in RNA biology research,
  • A specific project-based course to create “StrasRNA Science Sketches videos” for the Early career Researchers,
  • Specific training for PhD students and staff members performed by the engineers in charge of the local platforms and infrastructures, including proteomics (IBMC), live imaging (IBMP), microfluidics (IBMC), nanopore and mass spectrometry applied to RNA modifications (IBMC, IBMP), and RNA structure in vivo (IBMC).

The aim of the StrasRNA Salon is to:

  • Facilitate collaborations and pluridisciplinarity between researchers working in the field of RNA biology on different biological models and using diverse methodologies,
  • Foster discussions on the future of RNA biology,
  • Introduce novel on-site technological platforms,
  • Contribute to the international visibility of the research units by inviting renowned scientists,
  • Promote, train, and encourage undergraduate, postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows in RNA research, and assist them in their career development.
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